Zero Maintenance

SMS maintains each device to ensure users have the relevant data they need in the field and face no downtime


  • No routine maintenance required on the backend nor on the frontend client devices by design
  • Backups automatically occur daily and are stored (encrypted) in our virtual private cloud
  • Automatically removes non-relevant data and media on a user’s device to ensure it never runs out of storage space in the field*
  • Patches and upgrades are pushed directly to users and installation is quick and seamless**
  • Backend scales to allow retention of all required records far exceeding 7 years if desired

Natural Data Attrition Keeps Devices Freshly Provisioned

Long term data systems require maintenance to stay relevant and efficient; likewise, client devices collecting data are not infinite in size and require careful provisioning to ensure all required data is available in the field. SMS was built with both of these considerations in mind, and we’ve learned that automating this maintenance is the best way to ensure all devices are operating as expected.

SMS naturally removes data and media which is no longer relevant to each specific user of the app ensuring SMS operates with the smallest possible footprint on each device. This virtually eliminates the risk of a device running out of space*. While this data may be erased from the frontend device, it is never permanently deleted in the backend to ensure record retention requirements are satisfied. We guarantee all of your SMS data and media can be retained (no matter the size) for at least 7 years (or whichever period is desired).

Limited Risk of Data Loss

Our company has experience collecting field data from 25+ different technicians and mobile devices over the past 5 years. During this timeframe we trained technicians with a wide variety of experience, some with low technical savvy, and we are proud that not even a single well screening nor single piece of associated field data has ever been lost during this time.

SMS was built to limit the risk of data loss to be a maximum of one day’s fieldwork. Barring a device being lost or destroyed, users operating SMS as intended will likely never lose data as is our experience over the past 7 years.

Data on the backend is protected in perpetuity due to both the scalable design which can expand when necessary, and the leveraged use of the technology stack and resiliency of Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS has the longest, proven track record and is constantly improving in security and reliability. Our company understands that it would be hard to replicate the fortress that is AWS and instead we create a synergy by leveraging our strengths in data systems with theirs in security and storage.

Backups and All Best Practices

We love best practices and we utilize them in all areas including backups. Backups of the SMS platform are automated and encrypted in our virtual private cloud within two or more regions. Automation is monitored to confirm it is functioning as intended, and part of that is routinely restoring backups to ensure that they operate as expected.

As client devices all rely on a central source of truth, a client device can be completely wiped and all data can be synced down to the device without any data loss (assuming the device was previously synced).

Simple Upgrading and Patches

Part of the onboarding process for SMS is to work with clients to determine which route of patching and upgrading SMS is the most logical for them and their staff. SMS can be configured to be deployed automatically through B2B push updates, or as some clients prefer through a simple secure download link emailed to each user**.

*Users must utilize SMS reasonably as trained, some risks can not be mitigated such as an unmanaged mobile work device being filled with personal media
**Clients can choose which delivery option suits them best from B2B enterprise push or simple secure download link, dependant on mobile OS limitations