Greatly reduce D060 compliance effort, reported emissions & cost

Take control of your oil well emissions with Screening Made Simple (SMS). SMS is intuitive to use and leverages existing staff to comply with Directive 060 requirements at up to 85% less cost.

SMS addresses the need for simpler, timelier, and much more cost efficient Directive 060 compliance monitoring and reporting for oil wells.

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5 Reasons to Use Screening Made Simple

Intuitive features make screening any oil well and following-up on the leak repairs simple, cost-effective and fast

  • Take control of well screening frequency, timing, and cost by leveraging your own staff already working in the area
  • Extensive automation reduces all duplication of effort and critical leaks are automatically assigned to be fixed in 24 hours time
  • One-click sync (no dashboards!) uploads all data and media from SMS to a private cloud server you control via secure API
  • QR & color-coded field tags provide an effective & automated interface between SMS and all physical fugitive leaks, never search for a leak again
  • Directive 060 reporting for all operated oil wells can be generated in just a few taps within the app itself; again, no dashboards necessary
all Features

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    The Most Powerful, Yet Simple, LDAR Screening System Ever

    The most powerful features ever introduced into any LDAR system to date

    Directive 060 Reporting

    SMS supports all Directive 060 well screening compliance reporting requirements with just a couple clicks

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    Fugitive Mapping & Route Planning

    Quickly map a selection of leaks, a date range of leaks or a single leak to easily plan the most efficient repair route

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    Leak Assignments & Repair Prioritization

    Assigning and prioritizing fugitive leaks reduces admin effort and ensures leaks are fixed faster, assigned leaks are “set and forget”

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    One-Click Sync

    A single click is all it takes to sync up all offline data collected

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    QR & Color-Coded Field Tags

    QR Codes allow users to walk up to any leak on a well site and load it instantly in the app, no more searching for leaks

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    Time & Location Based Fugitive Tracking

    Referencing leaks by physical location or due date makes administering leak repairs simpler, and ensures leaks are repaired much faster.

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    Supported Platforms & Technologies

    SMS supports the most popular and trusted mobile and cloud platforms

    Leveraging the most trusted name in cloud services
    iOS version 11+ supported for iPhones and iPads
    Android version 7+ supported for phones and tablets
    Coming soon!

    Device Compatibility

    SMS is flexible and can run on any mobile device (iOS or Android phones and tablets) from 2017 onward

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    Industrial-Strength Security

    SMS was built to incorporate all security best practices; we’re committed to security transparency with our clients

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    Secure API & Private Cloud

    No data or media is ever exposed to the public internet, instead a secure API handles all client transactions

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    Still Thinking About It?

    Why SMS is worthwhile and truely unique in the world of LDAR

    Based on 20,000+ Leaks

    Our team has experience processing over 20,000 fugitive leaks since 2019. SMS was built from this experience to be the most efficient LDAR field app possible.

    85% Less Cost

    The cost of compliance for a single oil well often exceeds $600/hour if surveying. SMS removes the need for oil well surveying and reduces the cost of compliance by up to 85%!

    Extensible Platform

    Screening Made Simple is just the beginning. SMS is built upon a framework (ISDR) that is readily extensible, new modules will be developed regularly and custom modules are available.

    Everything in App

    SMS requires no dashboards, web browsers or manual data entry. Users can perform all duties from within the app, on a mobile device of any form factor, from any location (even those without Internet).

    Train Once & For All

    Directive 060 training is available for all SMS users. As the app is exactly the same on all devices (iOS, Android, etc.) all users can be trained simultaneously and can assist each other.

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      Number of iOS device deployments

      Is Directive 060 training required?

      Number of field tag colors requested