- All fugitive leaks can be assigned GPS coordinates with one-click
- If specific GPS coordinates are not assigned to a leak for whatever reason, SMS automatically maps the leak
- Users can easily plan the most efficient route to each group of map markers (leaks)
- Leak maps group all outstanding leaks by geographic area, zooming in allows operators to see finer groupings
- Clicking on a map marker reveals details about all leaks at that location including leak description, the components leaking, etc.
Visualize Every Leak
Having a visual aid to see all leaks is an amazing tool for managing a LDAR program. SMS automatically maps a leak to a specific GPS location provided by the app, or, if the GPS location cannot be provided, SMS has a backup algorithm that automatically assigns each leak to the correct area. All leaks can be visually reviewed by zooming out and leaks will be grouped by physical area with a grouping occurring roughly every 15 kilometers when the map is zoomed in to 50%. By zooming in further, the app user will be able to see finer breakdowns of previous leak groupings and when groupings contain 5 or less leaks users are able to tap on each grouping to see all leak details at that waypoint.
Efficient Route Planning Reduces Emissions Further
When a user has decided which grouping of leaks to tackle first, they can quickly map the most efficient route to those leaks in just two taps. By providing the most efficient route to each leak grouping, SMS helps limit secondary emissions from the LDAR program itself. We know from experience that surveyors often drive hundreds of kilometers just to document a single leak so anything we can do to limit secondary emissions from LDAR programs is meaningful. In addition, route planning can save significant time and effort, especially for newer staff who are unfamiliar with the route to each site. As every leak is mapped and guaranteed to be in the correct area, route planning can always be relied upon to get to the correct site.

Study Leaks & Terrain Before the Screening Visit
Mapping all fugitive leaks makes it effortless to visualize each site’s potential repair needs. As a user zooms in on the map they will be presented with increasingly specific information about the physical area and its leaks. When a user zooms in to an area with 5 or less leaks they can tap on the map marker to pop-up all details about the leaks under that marker. Details include leak state, site LSD/name, which components are leaking, the leak description, and the repair recommendation. This detail allows repairmen to understand where they need to go first and allows them to prepare accordingly for the repairs they anticipate being necessary.
As we all know from experience, terrain that is muddy or boggy often causes significant issues when attempting to screen an oil well. Turning on satellite imagery within the fugitive map helps users spot and anticipate terrain difficulties prior to going out and visiting a site. Untold money, energy, and emissions can be saved by a user anticipating a rough driveway and bringing the appropriate equipment such as an ATV, especially if the site is remote.