Time & Location Based Fugitive Tracking

Referencing leaks by physical location or due date makes administering leak repairs simpler, and ensures leaks are repaired much faster.


  • Location based listings are optimal for repairing leaks and time based listings are optimal for administering and monitoring leaks
  • Locations can be looked up by LSD (legal subdivision) or site name
  • Categories include new leaks, delayed leaks, overdue leaks, and weekly timelines that leaks progress through as they become due
  • Repairs can be assigned based on time or location which helps administrators get leaks fixed using the most optimal repairman

Time & Location: When & Where

Experience recording and repairing over 20,000 fugitive leaks has taught us that it’s not enough to monitor leaks solely by location; adding a time context is a natural way to provide a complete overview of your LDAR program.

SMS administrators can easily prioritize leaks using the timeline context ensuring any repairs with upcoming due dates are assigned a repairman with a high priority. If the administrator is uncertain of who to assign the leak to, they can simply jump into the location context with a single tap and review all previous repairs at a location. Thus, SMS makes it simple to get the right repairman to fix the leak at the right time.

Timeline Context

The timeline context is perfect for providing an overview of current fugitive leaks, overdue leaks and delayed leaks (leaks which can’t be currently repaired). We utilized our experience in the field to come up with the most logical and useful buckets that can be leveraged for effective LDAR management, these are:

  • Overdue Leaks
  • Leaks due in 24 hours
  • Leaks due in 1-7 days
  • Leaks due in 8-14 days
  • Leaks due in 15-29 days
  • New Leaks
  • Delayed Leaks

To keep things simple, all leaks progress through the buckets as they age and become due except for delayed leaks. Delayed leaks are expected to be overdue in most cases and as such it is easier to manage them in one central location than it is to have them move into the overdue bucket.

Example of the overdue leaks bucket in the timeline context sorted by “date found” ensuring the oldest leaks are upfront

Location Context

The location context offers the ability to lookup oil well sites by either their LSD or site name. Even if there are thousands of sites, SMS makes it simple to jump to the correct site quickly. Once a location is selected, SMS lists all current fugitive leaks at the site as well as any delayed leaks and current repairs. Leaks at a site can be sorted quickly based on their state with leaks requiring repair in 24 hours having the highest state and delays leaks having the lowest state; this makes it easy for repairmen on site to organize their work effectively.

Administrators and repairmen (and perhaps operators) sometimes require historical data and as such all historical can be included at each site simply by checking the historical records checkbox in the sync pane. Historical records show all repairs which have occurred at the site and includes a wealth of information making it easier for administrators to manage current and future repairs at that location.

Example of the location context for the site at 02-19-017-28W4 which has a current leak, delayed leak and a quick fix. Historical records have been synced down for which there are two historical repairs at this location.

Demo Utilizing Location & Timeline Contexts

Demonstrates two examples of the user moving from the location context to the timeline context and back, note how the user can simply tap on the location’s LSD in the timeline context to seamlessly move to that location.