Our History

We’ve got experience building integrated systems for the oil fields since 2016


First oil field data collection apps built

We built various field data collection apps for private companies working with the governments of Alberta and British Columbia on fugitive emission studies.


Directive 060 compliance platform

With the introduction of Directive 060 around the corner we were tasked with building a platform that facilitated Directive 060 fugitive surveys, compressor tests and all facility inventory types.

2019 – 2021

20,000+ fugitive leaks processed

Through the Directive 060 platform we directly processed over 20,000 fugitive leaks and made an untold number of app updates to improving platform efficiency in all areas.

2022 – Present

Industrial-Strength Data Systems incorporated

ISDS Inc. is formed to best brand our ventures. Market research spots an opportunity for more efficient Directive 060 compliance and Screening Made Simple is developed in response.

Meet the Front Office Team

The team representing our business to our clients

Ryan Park, CPA, CA

President and Chief Executive Officer

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Alycia Henschel

Director of Marketing & Communications

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